I've had my Droid for 7 days now. I'm a little bit in love with it. It's fast, the UI is fun to use, it keeps me connected, there are several fun apps, and I haven't even begun developing for it yet. Here are my impressions of it, speaking as a total Android newbie. Maybe this will help other people using the Droid for the first time.
- Status indicators. Some are obvious, some aren't. Verizon's little quick start guide doesn't explain them. But their support page in a link to the "manufacturer's user guide" has them.
- I wanted was to use the Droid on my fast home wireless network. And I wanted one-touch buttons to manage wi-fi and other power-related functions. Well there's a widget for that. It let you turn on/off the wi-fi, gps, bluetooth, sync and change the screen brightness. So simple and so necessary to keeping your Droid running all day.
- On one of your home screens touch "Menu".
- Touch "Add".
- Touch "Widget".
- Scroll to the "Power Control" and touch it.
- Overall User Interface experience - GREAT. I love the touch screen and using gestures to move around. It's very responsive, unlike what I've heard about slower Android phones. Things are simple once you know to touch the "Menu" button for settings, extra functions, etc. Having used many Windows Mobile and older BlackBerries in the past this blows them away. I haven't used an iPhone for any length of time to compare.
- Exchange support - I bought the $30 data plan, not the $45 business plan that provides business support. And I still use Exchange email - it's built into Android and is there to use. Verizon's $45 plan is simply there for them to ding companies that want business support. If you're like me and want to connect to your company email server without buying a company phone then just get the consumer plan. Set up was easy and everything is working great.
- Navigation - this is Google's turn-by-turn directions application. Also known as the "Garmin/TomTom/Magellan killer". And really, Navigation is very good - very easy to use, accurate, quick to respond to new routes. There are a few choices they made with the User Interface that I don't care for - depending on how soon you turn the arrow indicating your turn direction is either on the left (for "turning soon") or the right(for "turning in several miles"). And I'd like a dead simple way to choose from a list of favorite locations, and a "go home" button. But none of these things are showstoppers - none of them would make me even consider getting another Garmin device when I've already spent the money on the Droid. Go Google!
- Facebook - I've tried Facebook's official widget and application and I think they suck. Everytime I go back to the "Notifications" screen I see the list of notifications from last week. So I click "refresh", getting the latest notifications, but the next time I use the app I once again have only last week's list. And I'd really like to have an Inbox and a way to respond to my friend's messages but this is missing from the app. Without it I end up using the Droid's browser to go to facebook! Which actually works fine, so I've stopped using the official application and am frequently searching the Market for worthy replacements.
- Other apps -
- I use and like "Swift" for twitter,
- "Barcode Scanner" just cause it's totally fun and impresses the family,
- "Listen" to subscribe and listen to podcasts,
- "WikiMobile" to look up stuff on my Droid instead of over the web,
- "Google Sky Map" so that at night I can look up, look at the stars, and then point my Droid the same direction to figure out if I'm looking at a constellation(s), and
- "Movies" to get local movie times quickly.
- I want to try out "Locale" but people keep reporting problems with it on the Droid so I'm waiting.
- Keyboard -
- on the downside the keyboard is very sensitive,
- the keys are raised only the slightest bit making it hard to distinguish between keys and
- the protective case takes up some needed room along the top row of buttons.
- Yesterday I found the easy on/off switch for all sounds. When the phone is in Locked mode, drag the speaker icon to the left, it's the opposite of unlocking the phone. So simple, yet so necessary.
So that's pretty much everything. Oh and I get a guilty kick out of hearing it say "DROIIID" every time a notification pops in. I keep forgetting to turn it off when I get to work. They make fun of me.
Thanks, this has been great. Especially the last bit about turning the sound off without needing to unlock the thing. I removed the default sound "DROIIID"... it was scaring the kids.